Open Burn Permit

Rules for Obtaining Open Burning Permits

The state of Maine requires that all open fires on private property for any purpose be controlled and approved by an open burning permit. An open burning permit may be issued in writing by the fire warden, or online from the State of Maine. 

Open burning permits are issued at the discretion of the Town Fire Warden.  Permits are only issued when the Maine Forestry Service Wildfire Danger is Low or Moderate and sufficient fire department personnel are available.  

A permit will not be issued if wildfire danger is High, Very High, or Extreme. Brooks is located in zone seven.

When the fire danger is Low, burning is permitted between 5 pm and 9 am on weekdays, and any time on weekends.

When the fire danger is Moderate, burning is permitted only between 5 pm and 9 am any day of the week.

Before obtaining a permit, please review the following. You are responsible for following the law, knowing the fire danger, and knowing what materials may or may not be burned.

Permits are issued in two ways:

A person applying for a permit who does not own the property where the burn is to occur must show written proof of permission from the property owner to the Warden issuing the permit.

The person who holds the permit is responsible and liable for any damage to property, as well as for any fire suppression costs.

Thank you for burning responsibly.

 Open Burn Permit Resources: